Heung-Heung Chin
The Awakening of the Empyrean Dominion, 2006
40 x 30 inches / 101.6 x 76.2 cm / HeC 1
Kyung Jeon
Karnival Maypole Long Hair, 2011
Watercolor, gouache, graphite on rice paper mounted on canvas and wood panel
14 x 11 inches / 35.6 x 27.9 cm / KJe 2
DECEMBER 17, 2011 - JANUARY 21, 2012
“Since the beginning of time, special individuals have been compelled to create objects that seemingly have no function or purpose. Whether channeling the spirits, communicating with higher forces, wrestling with demons, defining themselves, appeasing the Gods or working through their own inner thoughts and passions, creation has been their only motivation, the work their only reward.
From this concept, the Obsessions Collective was founded and curated by New York composer John Zorn, himself an eclectic art collector. Zorn has made a second career of befriending and encouraging many young up-and-coming artists around the world. Created in 2010, Obsessions Collective functions as a support system for artists who, with some exceptions, have not yet found gallery representation but who are dedicated to making art, and who are compelled to do what they do. Honest, passionate, imaginative and technically proficient, these artists work independently and around the established art scene, without the support or assistance from patrons or grants." - Paraphrased from ObsessionsCollective.com
Cavin-Morris Gallery is pleased to work with John Zorn on exposing the Obsessions Collective… work that goes from introspective to hard-core in range. In reality, it is a collective of individual visions and paths united by the keen interest and eye of John Zorn himself.
Artists represented will be Heung-Heung Chin, Valeria Ghezzi, Beatrice Glow, Scott Irvine, Patrick Jacobs, Kyung Jeon, Bea Kwan Lim, Michael Macioce, Kate Manheim, John McVicker, Zaria Forman, Zena Pesta, Raha Raissnia, David Chaim Smith, Yamataka Eye, and Madeline von Foerster from the Collective and Emery Blagdon, Shane Keena, Lubos Plny, Sandra Sheehy, Avital Sheffer, and Tim Wehrle chosen by John Zorn from Cavin-Morris Gallery.